The scarcrows fit right in, as well as, the tombstones and bones. I normally dont celebrate halloween ,but the neighbors got us involved this year. I will say it has been fun. Try it you might like it, too.

We started decorating our lawn and really all of the outside that we could reach. the neighbors brought lights and put them on the tree and they also brought lights for the garage and entrance door.



This is my mystery plant. A neighbor gave it to me because she does’nt know what it is either.. It has been the laugh and talk of our cul-de-sac for a couple of weeks, now, anything to keep busy and stop worring about the “shut-down”, I suppose!!

I have had all kinds of plants in the past, but I just can’t put my finger on it..The leaves are  textured and a little rough to the touch. I’m waiting or we are waiting to see if it blooms..

If you recognize this little mystery girl, jot me a comment at the bottom of this post or send an e-mail to liz64turner@gmail.com.


My Garden

Hi fellow “gardeners”,

This beautiful plant is in my garden and I need help with its name. Can anyone identify what this beautiful plant is? Leave me a comment if you know what my name is…..





With all of this Covid-19 stuff everywhere, one may start to feel closed in and mentally fatigued, so I have started exercising a little more and going for longer walks. There is nothing better to rev up your energy than to go for a walk. Make sure your shoes and attire is perfect for the conditions because the morning can be a little hot and the afternoon may be a scorcher. What ever the time you choose to go for your walk just stay mindful of the temperature and any other changes.

The most important reminder is to stay hydrated with water.  Stay safe and stay healthy. Enjoy your walks and ask a friend to go as well… the more peeps that join in the more fun all of you will have…Stay safe!

Lovely Ole Pots And A Glass Of Merlot’

pot9    These are some of the lovely ole pots to plant your favorite Fall plants that are bursting in color. Now that makes your  patio turn into an Oasis to just sit back and have a glass of your favorite wine and enjoy the music  or conversation in the early evening when it first starts to get chilly. That is so calming !!!